Part time Spanish Teacher in Ohio

Leave the Spanish to us!

We save Non-Public K-8 School Principals TIME, EFFORT & WORRY about their Spanish program by supplying:

  • Pre-screened and qualified on-site teacher
  • Proprietary effective curriculum
  • Supervision and support
  • Experience teaching Spanish in K-8 schools since 1996
  • Risk-free guaranteed program

Our program is designed to prepare students for High School Spanish while building a love...

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What Schools say about us

Meet Our Leadership Team

Our team is committed to making sure our promise to deliver QUALITY Spanish Programs is accomplished. We find candidates where schools cannot because of the processes and resources we have. We seek out experience, desire and passion for Spanish language learning and train to the curriculum we have developed while providing the materials and support. Our programs prepare your students for High School beginning in Kindergarten! We are here to serve you and work endlessly to make sure that teachers are matched to the right schools and that students gain confidence and fluency at the right pace.

Hannah C Reilly Owner and President
Gladys Benitez-Reilly Founder and VP of Sales

Auxiliary funds can help to partially pay for the program!

Rely on us and we take care of it all. Join the 70+ schools in OHIO that have seamlessly added Spanish to their school day with Viva Spanish!

Get in touch

We can customize a Spanish program to meet your needs. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

4074 Erie St Willoughby, Oh 44094
Phone: 440-376-1862